Luxury Lifestyle

5 Reasons to Paint Your Space White!

Often times when it comes down to selecting a new paint color for your home, homeowners tend to overlook the color white in the decision-making process. The idea of painting walls white can seem boring and unoriginal. I’m here to tell you (boy oh’ boy have you been wrong) that white paint can truly make a space look more bold and remarkable and here are 5 reasons why:

Best of 2015: Contour Interior Design's Top Projects

Photo Source: Contour Interior Design

1. It Adds Definition

When walls are painted white, the interior furnishings become more prominent. Each individual piece gains more attention as the details of the walls lose focus and the eye turns to the items dwelling within the space. This is an excellent choice for someone who has furniture with character or even several classical pieces. It’s unbelieveable how the color on the walls can redirect the attention to what’s considered beautiful in the room. Try it out and see how things begin to look sharper and crisper!


Photo Source: Nate Berkus

2. It Enhances Textured Materials

There is nothing like adding texture to a space to add more depth and dimension. From a faux fur throw or rug, to a beautifully crafted wooden beam in a room, white walls can make textured materials in a space breathe new life.


Photo Source: Manolo Yllera via AD Espana

3. It Brightens the Space

This is a given. White walls brighten up spaces unlike any other color especially, if your space has beautiful windows. Painting a wall white is the perfect way to make your home look refreshed with beams of natural light. If you have windows that bring in a lot of natural light throughout the day, you will be surprised how a fresh coat of bright white paint can take your space to the next level.

Best of 2015: Contour Interior Design's Top Projects

Photo Source: Contour Interior Design

4. It Provides a Blank Canvas

One of the many reasons why I love white walls in a open space is that it provides a blank canvas for beautiful art. Nothing says “oh la la” quite like a room with eye-captivating art juxtaposed against a white surface – it literally pops off the wall.

Photo Source: Designed by Nina Magon for NBC

5. It Can Be Bold or Modest

Just like other colors, depending on the value of the white hue you use, your end result can be bold or timid. If you have a very modern style, go with a bright white paint. If you are more on the transitional side and looking to enhance your room’s decor go for a mellow white. There are several options out there: just make sure you try them out on a well-lit wall in your home before making a final color choice.

I hope this opened your mind to the idea of painting your space white for your next home update!

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Cover Photo Source: Designed by Contour Interior Design

Photography: Laurie Perez