Nina Magon Award Winning - Top Luxury modern sophisticated Interior Design - London, New York, Palm Beach, LA, Dallas


I have a ritual after closing each issue of the magazine. One, I breathe, have a cocktail with Frank, and go to bed by 11. Two, I don’t look at my work computer for the whole weekend – or until Sunday night. Three, I get back into hunt-and-gather mode and, for the next few weeks, meet with as many people as I reasonably can.

You and I may meet for a specific reason – a story for the next issue, a video, general catchup, or maybe we’re doing a panel and need to connect. Some-times, it is because we had a two-minute encounter at a market, you caught my eye on IG or in a magazine, your P.R. advisor pitched me or you’ve been recommended by another designer as someone “you need to know.” You ask me, “What is this for?” and I may or may not have an immediate answer – I am discovering you.

This tradition, I realize, is not the most efficient way – did I mention I record our conversations on Zoom so I can screen them later on and really put intention on you – to produce content for Designers Today, which amounts to eight magazines a year, two conferences and roughly 300 online stories, 50+ videos, 300 social posts, and 15 webinars. I’ve spoken to a few colleagues about time-sav-ing methods of communication (Melissa Mittag, I’m talking to you) but I haven’t tested them yet.

If you’re a business or life coach reading this, I’m sure you have some ideas. I listened to Desi Creswell speak about overcoming burnout recently at Mydoma’s 19Hours and she said to be aware of patterns of consuming and to recognize what is “enough” in order to move forward. Hmmm.

Back at one of our in-person Designer Experiences, Melissa Galt spoke about time management, and she handed out a weekly calendar page for us to practice time-blocking. I ressurected that sheet recently, and since it was written on, created a new one by hand (a good use of time!) but I haven’t used it. I looked at it and kind of froze.

And yet, despite my questionable modus operandi, here we are, friend, and you’ve got another issue in your hands with a beautifully striking portrait of Eden by artist Kabriah Asha whom I met for those two minutes at High Point Market all masked up last fall. Who knew we’d be returning this June to celebrate her cover!

Nina Magon Studios - Top Luxury modern sophisticated Interior Design - London, New York, Palm Beach, LA, Dallas

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